
Sometimes, you have to take a hard look at yourself in the mirror to openly admit where your weakness' are. I do believe it's important to do this to continually grow and develop yourself to make you a better person overall.

For me, I like to compare myself to the past me. The me of yesterday, last week, last year as I strive to become a better individual all round because there are always room for improvement.

Google Scripts

At DFS, Google spreadsheets, docs, slides and forms are a critical part of life. Roll back the clock to Microsoft days and most of the process' I touched would have had some sort of VBS or VBA script in there to speed it up or fully automate it. In the Google world, I want to be able to do the same. My mindset is "I can do that in VBA so Google Scripts must be able to do it".

At the moment, I do have a couple of scripts working their magic but it took some googling over knowing how to write it without the need of googling (most of it).

Become more fit and healthy

Life at a desk does have it's advantages, especially in the winter months as you get to sit in a warm office (most of the time). But the downside is missing out on the fresh air and simply moving around.

For me personally, I've had plenty of "all work and no play" periods of time but when I do have time on my hands, I want to take those opportunities and use them to benefit my health and wellbeing, even when my brain is fried from a challenging day.

Self Confidence

A hard one to admit, as most people would say that I am actually a confidant person but the truth is, inside I'm saying to myself "run and hide". The confidence people see is simply a persona I put on when needed.

My confidence took a big knock after my accident which seen me struggle with simple movements for a while along with a good few scars. Whilst I do actually like the scar on my wrist, the facial scar as made me more self conscious.

So far I am happy with the steps I've taken to improve this. My process and steps work for me and whilst I still have that inner voice of doubt, I know how to control it and for the best part, ignore it.

"Fluffy" Communication

There is a fine balance, almost an art form between effective communication and friendly communication and it's getting this balance right which I'd like to improve on.

For me, I lean towards the effective communication over friendly. By this, I mean straight to point, clear communication - why say 100 words when 10 will do. However, I know this isn't always the best way especially when communicating in the digital world. The need to ensure a message is delivered in the right way is paramount but the message needs to clear whilst welcoming.

I've entitled this section "fluffy" as it's become a standard phrase on my team, as you'll often here someone say something along the lines of "here's the information we need to share but it need a bit of fluffiness added"